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Herron Park is currently closed to horses


Trails at Herron Park

About the Trails

  • Multi-use trails - Trails are frequented by hikers and mountain bikers, who may not know how to act around horses. Be alert - be aware of blind corners and don't be afraid to ask for more space if you think your horse needs it.

  • Trails are narrow, steep and rocky - Many of the trails in Herron park are steep and rocky in sections - some horses need boots or shoes to ride comfortably.

  • Trails users may not be familiar with horses - While we all amiably share the trail, not everyone knows how to act around horses, and not all trail sections allow for easy maneuvering. You should be prepared to manage your horse on steep trail should it get surprised by runner or cyclist.

About the Foys to Blacktail Route

While the trails in the immediate vicinity of the equestrian facilities provide excellent riding opportunities, riders looking for longer condition rides can take advantage of the Foys to Blacktail trail.


This trail goes 17 miles to the Blacktail ski resort in Lakeside. Trail varies from logging roads on private easements to singletrack and double track in forest service areas. Trail has limited access to water and fair elevation.


Go to the Foys to Blacktail website to learn more about this trail.

Please be polite and friendly to non-equestrian trail users! We are very grateful to share such a well-developed trail system with other members of our community.
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