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Herron Park is currently closed to horses


Event Disciplines

Horse lovers of all disciplines love to use Herron Park.  From trail rides to eventing derbies, all horse people are welcome to use the park. Here are some events we hold -
Event Derbies

Herron Park Equestrians welcomes you to join us for our event derbies. The events take place at the Ivan Herron Memorial Park, off of Foy’s Lake Road, in Kalispell, Montana, and all are encouraged to participate. Eventing is a triathlon of equestrian sports, incorporating the disciplines of dressage, cross-country jumping, and show jumping.

The event derby is a fun filled day for all levels of riders and horses. We look forward to offering the community a venue where riders can demonstrate their achievements in a comfortable setting with focus on improving skills as much as earning rewards for their accomplishments. 

The Event Derby competition consists of a Dressage Test followed by a Jumping Course set in the grass combining both stadium and cross-country fences. There are approximately 10-22 obstacles on varied terrain, and may include banks, ditches, and water. The Event Derby provides a cross-training opportunity for both horse and rider, regardless of their equestrian discipline, and provides a safe venue for new competitors, green horses, as well as a schooling opportunity for the experienced competitor.


With levels from Intro to Intermediate, there are opportunities for everyone! Riders can compete in only the jumping phase if they wish and are also encouraged to enter multiple levels on their horses or add on extra jumping schooling rounds.

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Working Equitation

Working Equitation Shows are a wonderful way to test you and your horse on accuracy through Dressage Tests and versatility through Ease of Handling courses. Dressage test scores and Ease of Handling scores are combined to give a total score for the competition.

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Dressage & Western Dressage

Dressage is for the equestrian that only wants to work on the beautiful sport of dressage and not participate in the arena or cross county jumping of the Mini-Event.Western Dressage is sweeping the country and very popular. It is a way for the western rider to enjoy the feel of a dressage horse, but with western tack. Herron Park Equestrians is happy to offer Western Dressage tests at many of our shows.

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Join our Board Meetings

We meet on the 2nd Monday of every month in Kalispell, Montana.

Check our calendar for location.

We'd love to have you join us!

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