Herron Park is currently closed to horses

Herron Park is the Flathead Valley’s Only Public Horse Park
Looking for information about non-equestrian use at Herron Park? Check out Foys to Blacktail

Making Herron Park Safer for All
We're helping to make Herron Park a safer place for all trail users by -
Identifying problematic areas on trails and improving signage
Providing educational resources to help non-horse people understand horse behavior
Promoting the facilities to ensure horse users are seen regularly by all trail users
Make Herron Park a safer,
more inclusive place -
Practice defensive riding - call out on blind corners, and ensure your horse has been exposed to cyclists and hikers before venturing on narrow trails
Be kind and welcoming to non-riders to encourage them to interact calmly and positively with you and your horse. Thank them when they yield.
Practice good stewardship of the trails - ride only when trails are open, use trails only dry enough to ride on without damaging the tread. When possible, dismount to kick poop off the trail if your horse has pooped somewhere hikers might frequent (like by a picnic table, map, or kiosk)

Herron Park Equestrians, formerly Flathead Combined Training Association, is a group of horse enthusiasts that enjoy a variety of disciplines from eventing, dressage, and show jumping, to working equitation, obstacle course and trail riding.
We host several horse shows each year at Herron Park to help fund the upkeep of our dressage arenas and jumps. These shows bring horse people together to enjoy the beauty of Herron Park while creating learning and show experiences for both horses and riders.
Maintaining The Equine Facilities at Herron Park
Since 1979, HPE has been responsible for developing and supporting Herron Park by building the barns, cross-country and stadium jumps, and putting in the well.
Each year we provide a portable toilet for public use, help with weeding, clipping and gopher control among other services. We are glad these things benefit the public at large.
HPE is committed to keeping the park maintained and in a safe operating condition for generations to come. As a volunteer organization, we rely on sponsorships, donations, memberships and volunteers.
Riding is permitted when the gate to the stable area is open, generally late spring to mid autumn. Please do not ride if the gate is not open, as the soft ground is destroyed by hoof prints that remain.
Is Herron Park open for riding all year?
Yes - trailer parking is past the hiker parking by the barns. You can pull through - no backing required! There is ample parking for all types of trailers.
Is there trailer parking?
Dogs on leashes are welcome at Herron.
Can I bring my dog?
Water is available seasonally from spigots for drinking and hosing off after a ride.
There are no water sources on the trails.
Is there water?
There are two manure disposal bins near the stables. Please bring your own pitch forks and wheel barrows.
What do I do with my horse poop?
We would love to talk with you about that - we're always looking for new equine events to bring people to Herron Park! Contact a board member to explore ideas.